Roast Turkey Recipe



  • About ¼ cup salt (non-iodized)

  • About 1 Tbsp ground black pepper

  • 1 whole pasture-raised turkey


  • Roasting pan

  • Oven-safe cooling rack (optional)

  • Meat thermometer (required)

    • Please do not cook meat without the use of an instant read thermometer. This ensures that the meat is cooked to a safe temperature and doesn’t get over- or under-cooked.

Dry-brine instructions

Brine the turkey at least 4 hours before mealtime and up to the night before

  1. Take the turkey out of the fridge and pat dry with paper towels. Place on a roasting pan.

  2. Sprinkle the salt and pepper on all sides of the skin.

  3. Refrigerate until ready to cook.

Roast instructions

Place a cooling rack on top of a metal roasting pan

Place a cooling rack on top of a metal roasting pan

  1. Preheat the oven to 325℉.

  2. Set the turkey on a dry roasting pan.

    • If possible, place the turkey on an oven-safe cooling/roasting rack, on top of the roasting pan, as seen below. This will help the bottom skin get crispy. If this isn’t possible, simply place the turkey directly on the roasting pan.

  3. Put the turkey in the oven.

    • NOTE: It’s tempting to put stuffing in the turkey but avoid this if possible. I know I’m asking many people to break tradition here, but stuffing increases the cooking time and tends to dry out the turkey. Instead, wait until the turkey is done and use juice at the bottom of the pan to flavor the stuffing. You won’t regret it, and no one will taste any difference in the quality of the stuffing.

  4. An unstuffed turkey takes anywhere from 8-10 minutes per pound to cook. At 8 minutes/lbs, use a meat thermometer to check the temperature in the thickest part of the thigh. Try a few different spots to ensure it’s done. We need this temperature to reach 165-170℉.

    • If the turkey is not done, check the temperature in 15-minute increments thereafter.

    • For the sake of comparison, a 20 lbs. bird takes roughly 3 hours, 20 minutes to cook.

  5. When the thigh has reached temperature, check the temperature of the breast. Assuming this is at least 165℉ then the turkey is done.

  6. Remove the turkey from the oven and cover with foil. Let it sit for a minimum of 30 minutes before serving. Don’t worry, it will still be piping hot.

  7. Carve, serve, and enjoy!